
2025 Membership Fees, Match Fees etc.

Full Membership – £45

Social Membership – £10

Match/Tea Fee – £3 per game (home and away)

Travel Expenses (for away games) – £1 for less than 10 miles total journey, £2 for games over 10 miles

‘Roll Ups’ – No charge for roll ups

Club Competition Fees – £3 per person, per competition. New 4-3-2-1 & Australian Pairs Competitions £1.00 per match

Friendly Games Fee – £2 per person

Heckington Bowls Club

Information for Members (April 2023)

Heckington Bowl Club is run by volunteers from the membership.

To keep up to date please read the noticeboards. Not everyone is on our Facebook Page and not everyone posts there if they are arranging events. We will endeavour to keep you informed here and in the Facebook group but events will always be advertised on the Club interior noticeboards

The green is available to play on from mid-day until dusk, throughout the season. However, heavy rain will make the green slippery. Sometimes it is necessary to close the green for maintenance. This is done according to the volunteer Greenkeeper’s availability and the weather conditions. The chemicals used on the green are unpleasant/toxic and it is necessary to close the green for a period following their application. Details of closures will be posted weekly on this site and on the Club noticeboard at the entrance. 

You can arrange your own games and/or take part in league games or roll ups. There is no charge for your own games if played with other members. There is no charge for Saturday roll up. Contact details of other members will be made available to you on request. Alternatively, some members use the Club Facebook page to arrange games. Whatever works for you!

Access to the Clubhouse and equipment sheds is by coded locks and keys. Please see the Secretary, Mike Repp, for information. Keys are available for members, charged at cost & refundable if you leave the club and return the key. Please leave the clubhouse and green as you would wish to find it.

We play in 2 leagues currently. The Woodhall Spa League on a Wednesday afternoon and the Sleaford League on a Tuesday/Thursday evenings. Forms are posted on the noticeboard in the clubhouse. Please write your name on the relevant form in the clubhouse if you wish to be considered to play. Selected Teams are posted on the outside noticeboard the week before the game. If you cannot play a match please let the Captain know as soon as possible so a reserve can be found. If you want advice or have a question, please ask the Captains and they will be happy to advise you. Home & away games cost £2 and we pay the driver of the cars we use £1 or £2 per person, depending on distance, for away games. Please be prompt for league games and wear the appropriate clothing. We all started playing in league games somewhere so don’t be shy!

The Club is run by volunteers and when you come to play you may not appreciate immediately the amount of work that goes in to keeping the clubhouse, green, equipment, social events and fixtures going. If you can help in any way that would be fantastic. Please contact any member of the Committee. If you can whip the vacuum around, clean the loos, mow the green, cut the hedges, bake a cake…. We need you! (It is not necessary to be able to do all of these at the same time).

If you see anything that needs attention, please let any member of the committee know. Your health and safety (and ours) is very important. If you are unsure about equipment e.g. the gas bottles. water heater etc please ask before using.

The bottom line is it is your club. You have paid your membership so get out there enjoy your bowls and join in!